Life – what can I say… it certainly is not a perfect concept.
Without going into detail, let’s just say that sometimes things get flipped upside down and it can be difficult to bring yourself back to upright.
Okay, of course we all know about Murphy’s Law… you know, the one that says “If anything can go wrong, it will – at the worst possible moment”.
I know, it certainly does feel that way, doesn’t it? Really though – is it true? I know, I know… I can mentally hear the resounding “YES” coming from the minds of our readers. Think about it though. If you have a plan, do you honestly stop and say “Yep, right there… if something is going to go wrong, it will be at that moment.” Sometimes, but not typically. That’s because when you realize that there is a weak point, you do everything to ensure nothing bad happens at that crucial moment. However, when something happens, we immediately blame Murphy for it – even if it really isn’t “the worst moment”.
So, it isn’t Murphy’s fault – it’s just life!
There are numerous quotes with the same premise as Murphy’s Law, and they all come to mean the same thing. That is: Some weird and unforeseen force in the universe has thrown a wrench into your plans. Seriously? The world is not out to get me, you, or anyone. Things happen, that’s just the way of the world. As I have always told my kids: You cannot have “Up” if there is no “Down”. Physically impossible. So, “Perfect” cannot happen if you don’t have an “Oops”, “Dang-it”, or “Oh Man” occasionally.
Now, my favorite of all the “Murphy” type quotes is this:
“Someday, the universe will throw a wrench in the works and your well-oiled machine of a life will grind to a halt.
And then it will keep going.
Because after you got bored of crying and worrying,
you took a deep breath and pushed it back into motion.”
― Nora McInerny Purmort, It's Okay to Laugh
That, my friends, is how you handle the “Oops”.
So, when it seems that life has thrown a wrench into your plans, keep in mind that Murphy did not throw it – Life did.
It’s what we do with these problems, how we mentally handle them, and if we learn from them that matter. These are the things that help us grow.
For us, yes, we have received yet another “dang-it” wrench that hit our machine called life. Not just hit but bounced around inside for a bit making all sorts of ratchet and causing a whole heap of chaos… and though it may have caused a bit of a hiccup, it will not stop us. Hasn’t stopped us yet, and it never will!
For us, yes, we have received yet another “dang-it” wrench that hit our machine called life. Not just hit but bounced around inside for a bit making all sorts of racket and causing a whole heap of chaos… and though it may have caused a bit of a hiccup, it will not stop us.
Hasn’t stopped us yet, and it never will!